Tag Archives: refrigerator

Things in my fridge right now

– Sparkling water
– Aloe vera juice
– 20 or so tangerines
– 6 lemons
– Greek yogurt
– Glycerin/aloe vera leave-in conditioner mix
– Glycerin/aloe vera/Tresemme conditioner mix

I need to stock up on almond butter, some more sparkling water (I buy 12 16.9oz bottles a week and I have one left – the horror!), baby carrots, and then maybe some spinach, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and a bunch of other citrus fruits and berries for my smoothies should I decide to make them again. It’s not really hot enough outside for them, though. *Sigh* Cambridge shall forever remain the gloomy city to me.

And yes, popcorn for those days I’m feeling junk-foody but still want to remain *healthy*.

If I can eat it, I can put it in my hair. Except, I’m not that daring lol. In theory, I should be able to make a protein treatment with the Greek yogurt and whatever else is in my fridge, but I’m not there yet as a hairlista. My glycerin mix will keep me satisfied for the time being.

I’m curious to know what’s in the fridge of others of the (healthy) hair-obsessed persuasion.