
It has been way too long!! Life simply took over. I am now a medical student and have been so busy, I’ve neglected my hair a bit. Well, I’m back on the saddle. Yes, I’ve reached waist length (a while ago, in fact) and most likely went past it. However, the ends were so thin, they were almost invisible. So around July of this year, I decided to cut it to BSL. My goal for the year of 2022 is to get back to WL and I’m doing that with braids as a protective style. Here is the plan:

Protective style

  • self-installed large knotless braids (X-Pression Kanekalon hair)

Length to Keep in Each Install

  • 3-5 months (re-braiding individual sections to refresh)
  • after each install, give hair small break then reinstall fresh set of knotless braids


  • scalp: castor oil, Wild Growth Oil, Sulfur 8
  • hair: any leave-in, castor oil, whipped shea butter (home made)
  • shampoo: Nutrine Garlic Shampoo (unscented)
  • conditioner: Nutrine Garlic Conditioner (unscented)
  • deep conditioner: Alter Ego Garlic Mask Hot Oil Treatment


  • everyday or every other day, apply castor oil/WGO/sulfur 8 mix to scalp
  • daily moisturizing of hair length with whatever moisturizer and oil on hand
  • shampoo hair in braids with diluted shampoo on weeks 1, 3, 5, etc
  • co-wash hair in braids with conditioner on weeks 2, 4, 6, etc
  • during hair break, apply henna
  • during hair break, shampoo and deep condition with hair mask

It’s a simple plan. By December 2022, barring set backs and an unfavorable growth cycle, I should have waist length hair. My ultimate goal is tailbone length hair and I hope to get there by December 2023! 😀

I’ve also been working on my skin care, which has been going well – thank goodness!